hey everyone,
this is my introduction post.
My name is Jasmine. I’m going into interdisciplinary studies for romance studies, ancient mediterranean & near eastern studies, and anthropology. Essentially, I am just studying a mish-mash of things related to arts… (who knows at this point). I’ve had a bit of an unorthodox schooling trajectory so I’m just trying to figure things out bit by bit.
I think this is my fourth time making a ubc blogs wordpress site, I’ve used the same theme for all of them but I did a different colour scheme this time… I hope you guys like it! Personally, I like the structure of the blogs because it allows for less formality and more open individuality, plus I get to choose fun colours. I feel like this course’s blog-writing is probably going to more personal than I’m used to in an academic setting, (as others have already pointed out). Especially because of how experience is embedded in the processes of learning. I think that will be interesting to see, for both myself and my peers.
To be honest, I’m not sure what to expect from this course. I think culture shock is one thing I’m expecting, but I really have no gauge on my expectations as of right now. I’ve taken a few courses with Jon but I have never taken one that hasn’t consisted of experiential grading–so I may have to get used to Jon being critical of my work! I’m hoping that this experience will add some positivity to my schooling experience thus far, not that I’ve necessarily had a bad experience, but it would be nice to get out of certain institutional shackles. Although, seeing that we are going to be tourists in Peru, perhaps I will have to confront the institutionalization embedded in my own worldview. In other words, I’m quite sick of school at the moment and I’m hoping that my learning processes become revitalized through more hands-on experiences.
I’m excited to see all the different colours in Peru, which I think will be most apparent during the festivals. I’ve never been in South America so I’ve got no idea what to expect. I’m a bit nervous to be completely honest, I feel I have a lot of responsibilities grounding me here in Vancouver and so I’m hesitant to let those be in the time that I am away… but excited nonetheless. Other than in my jobs, I don’t think I have been in a small cohort setting in many years… so, I’m looking forward to getting to know you all and seeing new things together.
4 replies on “week0–introduction–”
Jasmine, you’re going out on a limb with the new colour scheme!
Yes, the experiential learning is going to be a big feature of this trip. Let’s see how it goes!
Hi Jasmine! Love the new colour scheme, you knocked it out of the park
I appreciate your honesty in the areas you are nervous of, because I share those same feelings. That is why I am really enjoying your blog and our other classmate’s blog posts as this exposes how we are all experiencing many of the same feelings and working and learning together. I too feel that I have many obligations holding me too Vancouver, while I do not know your exact circumstances, what has helped me fully commit to participating in this course is understanding what a unique life opportunity this is especially since this is the first year that Jon and UBC have launched this seminar. I am really grateful for your participation in this course as it has been lovely getting to know you so far so I am excited for what the future has in store for all of us!
nice to meet you
Wow Jasmine you seem like a super hella neat person. I relate to the mix of emotions coming into this trip. Especially with it being so different from other classroom settings. I like to be friends with people with super cool blogs that have awesome colour schemes so maybe we should be friends??? That would be so super sick.