Final Paper Proposals for Friday, March 2nd

Hi Everyone

Your project for Reading Break is to begin to consider topics for your final essays and to come up with a topic and a preliminary sketch of what you would like to do in your final essay.  I am aware that your topic may change in the month before the class ends, however I would like you to start planning now.

For your proposal you need to give me a 1-2 paragraph preliminary sketch of the topic you are interested in as well as 1 primary and 3 secondary sources you will be using.  (please no more than 2 pages for this)

For topics, you can discuss any of the artists, works or movements we looked at in class, from Chile, Argentina and Cuba or a similar movement from another country during the same time period (1970s-1990s).  With the former, you can expand your research to look at other works in the artists oeuvre or movement or how the movement approaches the regimes.  You can also compare multiple artistic movements across countries and how they compare with each other.  I am fairly flexible.  You can use any theoretical approach you like (I don’t delve into intersectionality much in this class, so you are welcome to do a feminist/gender/racial or postcolonial approach if that is what you are interested in).  Or you can even go into the issue of nostalgia and how contemporary popular culture in Latin America approaches the past (Such as the film No).

These should be e-mailed to me in an MSWord or PDF document by March 2nd at 11:59 pm.  My e-mail is


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