Important End of Term Dates and Final Exam Information

Final Papers:  Final papers will be e-mailed to me by Tuesday, April 10th at 11:59 PM.  If you need an extension on the paper, I may be able to arrange something.  Do not be afraid to ask for an extension if you need one.  Feel free to get in touch with me before the due date if you want me to look over a draft or you need extra help.  I can also accept papers in Spanish.

Blog Posts:  If you have missed blog posts throughout the term, you have until the Final Exam date to complete them (April 17th).  All blog posts must be completed to get the full 20% blog mark.  The blog posts are marked as done/not done.

Exam Period Office Hours:  I can hold office hours on the date of the exam from 12:30-3:00, I am also reachable by e-mail and Skype if necessary.    Please remember my office is now in the LAST office (Liu Institute 209)

Final Exam: The final exam will cover all of the cultural material we studied in the last 3/4 of the course (NOT the theoretical stuff from the first 1/4).  Including Chilean protest art against the regime, music, the No Campaign and the film “No”,  Argentine Comics, Nuevo cancionero, Rock nacional, The official story, and Cuban music and the film Strawberry and chocolate. All of the power points from the lectures are posted here on the blog. You should have an idea of the art’s context and how it intervenes in the major social issues taking place in the artist’s respective countries during the 1970s and 1980s.  The exam will be broken up into three parts:

Identify/long answer questions:  You will be given a selection of either questions or artworks to identify and discuss in paragraph format (to a maximum of 5).  Try to give as detailed a discussion as possible with reference to historical circumstances.

Essay 1:  Comparisons

You will be given a selection of artworks from different countries and asked to write a minimum 300 word essay comparing them to each other.  Discuss their similarities, differences and impact.

Essay 2:  Topics and Trends

In the second essay you will be given a choice of topical questions related to the larger movements and trends that these artworks participated in and asked to write a 300 word essay.

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