Cracked Listicle Project

“Cracked” is a popular culture/humor website with an intellectual bent. Their articles, many of which are reader-submissions, cover a wide-range of topics dealing with society, culture and popular art.  Their articles tend to be written in a five-point “listicle” format in which information about culture is condensed and presented in an amusing and interesting manner.  The site also includes image macros, called “Photoplasties” which create meme style information graphics, sometimes for the sake of humour and sometimes to present interesting or unusual information.

In this project you will work together in groups of 4-5 to collaborate on a either a five-point Cracked style “listicle” or a set of 10 photoplalsties which you will also present in class in a 15 minute presentation, as well as hand in to me afterward.

Cracked articles use a 5 point “listicle” format for presenting information in a condensed manner. Thus, each group member ideally should be responsible for one entry. Information included in the article must be sourced and a bibliography of sources included at the end of your article/macros.  The presentations will be held in-class on the 29th of March.  You can e-mail your articles to me at

Here are some Cracked articles on similar themes we discuss in class.

5 Things Movies Get Wrong About Dictatorships
Life as an American Punk Band in China
5 Shockingly Progressive Policies from Dictatorships
6 Ugly Facts of Life from Communist Cuba
Famous Things You Are Picturing Wrong (Pictofacts)

Here are the groups we have so far:

Anya Elias
Ximena Kuzma Mongrut
Fernando Castillo
Silas Latchem
Gustavo Villela

HyunJin Min,
Laura Garcia,
Bianca Gobalesa,
Sarah Drew
Alberto Montilla

Daniel Provost
Liam Doll
Jose Pablo Montoya
Brendan Currie O’Brien
Alister Langlois

Liz Vermunt
Jacob Fischer Smith
Melissa Funes
Vlad Chibiskov
Natan Villarreal
Sarah Lytle

Mackenzie Cole,
Eric Swanson,
Joe Whysker,
Jackson Vesey

Chris Grant
Kianna Trovik
Liam Sasky
Ruze Guvenc
Zahraa Janjua

The rest of you will need to let me know who you would like to work with.  Those who haven’t gotten a group or haven’t attended class enough to know whom you would like to work with should get in touch with me and I will try to put you with someone.

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