Cracked Listicle and Final Paper Updates and Office Location Change

Hi Everyone

On Thursday, you will present a brief summary of the points in your listicles in class. Your presentations should be no longer than 15 minutes, with a couple of minutes after for Q and A.  Since we have a large number of students in this class, some groups may need to present their listicles next Tuesday.  If you are in a group presenting next Tuesday because of time constraints, you will still need to hand in the copy of your listicle this Thursday.  You can have up until 11:59 PM to e-mail me the article itself, but it must be in on time.

Everyone in your group should contribute more or less equally to this project, that is the idea behind the five-point listicles.  Each member creates one.  I have had a few groups come up to me and mention that one or two members are doing all of the work, while the rest are not.  This is unfair.  Therefore any group members who aren’t contributing to their group will only be given 75% of the group’s grade.  If you are in a group where this is happening, please let me know.  

There’s a change to the Final Essay minimum length.  It is now 10 pages, not 15, though if you want to write more you are welcome to.  Please note that the final essay due date is Tuesday, April 10th at 11:59 PM.  E-mail me your papers at

If you haven’t gotten your proposal back yet please let me know.

Also my office location has changed.  I am now located in the LAS office (Liu Institute #209) My office hours are the same.

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