Introductory Blog Post

Hi everybody! My name is Laura and I am a third year arts student. I’m majoring in psych and hopefully will go off to get my MBA after finishing my BA. I was originally born in North Vancouver, but I have lived all over the lower mainland throughout my life. I have a cat named Theo and a dog named Boo.

I truthfully signed up for this course as I needed another literature requirement for my degree, but I am looking forward to this class after the first lecture yesterday. I find the grading structure very interesting as I’ve never taken a course formatted like that before, however I think it will be very beneficial to me. I like the idea of being completely accountable for my own grade (even though in almost all courses you are), but with also having the knowledge of exactly what I need to do in order to obtain the grade I want. If I do not get the grade I was hoping for I cannot be surprised. I am really not a big reader, I think the last books I read for pleasure was probably while I was still in high school. I do wish I was more motivated with reading, but I have lots of other interests that still make me excited about this course. I love European culture, primarily art and architecture. My mother was actually born in Scotland, and my fathers family moved to Canada from Italy, so before the pandemic we used to travel to Europe a lot.

I am also excited about the course due to how excited our professor and TA’s seemed. It always helps to learn and discuss things with people who are passionate and excited about the material being covered. Additionally, I think discussion will flourish due to the idea of people only coming for readings they’ve done. I hope we are all able to meet in person soon, but if not I look forward to the semester nonetheless!

2 thoughts on “Introductory Blog Post

  1. Alyssa Almerling

    Hi Laura! It’s great to see that someone is from North Vancouver as well in this class! I grew up in North Vancouver as well for most of my life. I am also not a massive fan of reading, and I haven’t picked up a book and read the whole thing since high school too! Hopefully, this class can both spark a love for reading in us! I think everyone in this class loves the format and how we are graded, which I find super exciting and to our own benefit! Super excited to see people excited about this class, too. Take care!

  2. harshi jhaveri

    Hi Laura! Ah a fellow psych major, so nice to (virtually) meet you:) I completely relate to what you said about learning being much nicer when you can clearly see the passion and excitement professors and ta’s have for the subject! It always makes me more motivated and intrigued to learn.


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