Farewell Kanyawegi!

I don’t quite know how to describe the wonderful time I have had here in Kanyawegi. The people are so friendly and welcoming, I really feel at home. I have made many friends, both adult and children, that I will miss seeing at the markets, the health centre, and around the community. It will take some time to stop expecting to hear little voices yelling “muzungu, muzungu – how are you?!”

This has been a tremendous learning experience for me. I have gained so much experience living and working in another cultural context, about “Kenyan time” and having great patience. I love the ordered chaos of the markets, the haggling, the squished and bumpy rides in mutatus and tuk tuks. It has been very humbling to live among such happy people who don’t have the Western reliance on technology and electricity.

In turn, I hope that I have been able to impart some knowledge on food security and nutrition on the community, and that this knowledge will continue to grow and spread.

Wanere, Kanyawegi! I hope to return one day soon.


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