Comments on Cobie Damsel’s blog post: The fight for Relevance

Arguably what Cobie says about Netflix being a disruptive innovator is true, however, I think it all depends on what customer segment you are looking at. As I to am a college student Netflix appeals greatly to me just as it does Cobie: you get a lot for a little. It is stressed that this is the case for a college student. I think, although online streaming is increasing, cable and TV’s are still high in demand. What comes to mind primarily is the customer segment of families. Watching TV is still advertised as the past time that brings families together and enjoy themselves. Especially during cultural events such as the World Cup or Olympics, it can be comforting to know that you are apart of a community. It would seem unorthodox for a large group of people to stand around a computer and cheer. Furthermore companies such as Samsung or LG are always coming up with increasingly innovative ways to reinvent the TV, for example the curved screen, higher pixel numbers and now the TV can even be used for online streaming, and of course there is always the feature that TVs can easily be larger than computer screens. TVs have become part of the culture in some countries and so it is irrational to say that they will come to an end all together. In order to make a successful business, there must be a clearly defined customer segment, Netflix has figured out theirs and is doing very well, if the TV industry can work on appealing to their customers, I’m sure there is no possibility that the industry will be fading out anytime soon.

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