First Nations Chiefs to stage Site C showdown

The conflict between the First Nation chiefs and the company BC Hydro clearly represents a social factor coming into play. As population in the BC area grows, there is an increasing necessity for cleaner energy as well as opportunities for employment. BC Hydro is pushing to build a dam on the Peace River in order to meet these needs. However First Nation tribes are protesting against this project due to that fact that it will disrupt their lifestyle as well as their cultural traditions. It is clear that BC Hydro has considered the effects social factors would have on their project. They have counteracted the First Nation’s concerns by providing compromises. BC Hydro wishes to have long-term relationships with Aboriginals by providing financial incentives and as well as job training. Furthermore in terms of the First Nations concern to Wildlife BC Hydro has emphasized that their hydroelectric plant would have low green house gas emissions as well as having a smaller impact on the local habitat than other projects would because they would only be using existing resources from the Williston Reservoir. After taking these Social Factors into consideration, there is a good chance that the Site C project will follow through. The First Nations will have to decide if the potential benefits Hydro BC has provided will out weigh the costs.

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