Inside The Phenomenal Rise Of WeWork

The startup WeWork was designed to “take out a cut-rate lease on a floor or two of an office building, chops it up into smaller parcels and then charges monthly memberships to startups and small companies that want to work cheek-by-jowl with each other”(Inside the Phenomenal). The reason WeWork has managed to become so successful so quickly is because it is addressing a pain and creating a gain. Beginning in New York, WeWork recognized that the city was one of the centers for business but also was one of the most expensive in real estate pricing and what all startups need is a place to work. Additionally WeWork is not just selling real estate but it is also selling value propositions. Startups are so fond of the places WeWork sells because of the close proximity they will gain with others. Startups being around startups promotes an atmosphere of enthusiasm and innovation where they can run ideas by each other and find inspiration. Much like the company Zappos, WeWork’s organizational behavior creates an environment where workers can come to achieve the goals they’ve set out for their company.

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