Single Day (11.11), the new shopping day?

Shopping is like eating a cupcake, once you start, you can’t stop. Online-shopping was never my thing, but when it’s caught by bandwagon and it becomes a whole cult, I may reconsider. Especially, when sales are the cherry of the cupcake.

On Single’s Day in China (11.11), within 24hrs $5.75 billion was recorded on its online payment system for Alibaba, China’s biggest online shopping company . Well, doesn’t that show thirst for shopping, or an addiction?

Anthea Low explained in her blog post how Alibaba is preparing for an IPO; adding on, it’s suggested that this may be the biggest for an online company since Facebook Inc. Even though million were created in revenue, the main goal of the ‘official’ holiday by Alibaba is to create publicity. The company is making sure not to skip any steps by first creating value; a value proposition customers can relate to, rather than generating profit. Thus, this would lead to a stronger IPO release, which yet hasn’t been released.

Also, the company wants to focus on operations. Only for this even, 800 000 employees were working to ensure a happy shopping experience for customers, this shows also the allocation of human resources in response to certain events.




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  1. Pingback: Single Day (11.11) the new shopping day… | Business Fundamentals Section 102

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