Meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs

As environmental threats are building up, such as global warming, we become more conscious about our surrounding, the impact of our actions, and what we really value.

Also, companies are starting to address this issue and are moving from profit oriented enterprises to social responsibility corporations, that base their value proposition around social, economic, and environmental values. Not only are we seeing the change within firms, but also in nations, as India’s Finance Minister announced that 2% of corporate’s profits should be invested into CSR activities, and will be applicable from fiscal 2014-2015 onwards. His argument states that it would have a multiplier effect on “projects such as environment, skill development, water, sanitation, etc.”

What does it mean to be sustainable? 

A cooperation needs to hit the tripple bottom line: social, environmental, and economic, which leads to sustainability. Based on Lululemon, this concept can be easily related to real life. 

Social: Work with factory partners to create programs that are beneficial to the community and provide support and funding
Environmental: Work on reducing shipping emissions by auditing routs
Economic: Contribute to the economy in a ethical manner through their Code of Ethics

These are Canada’s Top 50 Socially Responsible Corporations.

By implementing these core values, the company automatically creates shared value, which means a product that is beneficial to the community and the company.


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