Thirst for curiosity: Why am I doing, what I am doing ?

@scotthenry has outlined detailed how the hiring process of a company is crucial in order to create an organizational culture, that keeps employees happy. We should also acknowledge the fact how to keep employees in the long-run, through persistent motivation.


People search the value in what they’re doing. Hence, employees must gain a sense of why they are doing what they are doing. According to the article by Chris Griffiths:

He believes that people follow leaders not because of what they do or how they do it – loyalty comes from people believing in why you do what you do.

Human resource management is not easy, since we all vary so much. An organizational culture though helps to only hire people that share the same values. For example Zappos has a very open relationship between all the members and the company is structure very flat. Some may enjoy having a loose environment, however others prefer it structured and therefore would not want to join the firm.

By creating a cult within the firm, it’s core values are expressed and also the question why is answered, which initiated intrinsic motivation which effectively will serve customers efficiently. If employees are happy, so will be the customer (preferably)!
