My name is Laura Ulrich, and I am a high school teacher in BC’s Cariboo region (the central interior). In the past three years, I have taught Biology (my academic background), Social Studies, Computer Science, Career-Life Ed, and Digital Arts (my passion!). This blog is my exploration through Text and Technology.

The view from my new house– we just moved in at the start of the month!
Hi Laura, I love that picture. What a view?! I don’t think you will ever get tired of it.
That is quite a diverse background (it seems you are very multi-talented). Did you have to teach all those subjects at the same time? I would imagine it’s quite tricky to put on that many teacher hats in a day…
Hi Carla! Thank you! I am planning to set up a camera to take photos every day for a month (and then maybe work my way up to a whole year).
It’s a good thing I like to dabble in many different things. When I taught biology it was purely that, but the last couple years have been a mix of everything else. I just found out what’s in store for me next year— no Career Life Ed! No grade 10s at all (there was an error in the course selection program, c’est la vie). But I am taking on an entirely new course that has never been taught in my school before— Computer Information Systems!
Hi Laura,
Great to “meet” you – I feel like our interdisciplinary interests aling a lot. Social studies, comp sci, career ed and digital arts are such a wonderful combination!
Digital arts are wonderful, and a fantastic new text we have to work with nowdays. Looking forward to learning with and from you in this course
Hi Jamie! Great to “meet” you too! Do you make digital art as well?
Hi Laura,
I am a high school biology teacher as well! Looking forward to working along side you and watching your journey in 540 on your blog!
Nice to meet you, Katlyn! I miss teaching Bio 11 (perhaps one day I will again!)