Mid-way update!

Hello family + friends! Poppin into update you once again about my time in Bamfield. I’ve started taking another course here – marine ecology, and it involves a lot of computer work and coding. I’ve also started my final “directed studies” project, where we pick any research question and develop a project to answer it.  Otherwise, its been rather rainy here… anyways enjoy the pictures, hope you are all doing well!

First up – sunset walks at Pachena Bay! And next, the view from classroom!


First up we have some field work pictures! We had a class project where we had to make an ID guide about a certain species – our group got barnacles. Needless to say, I know more about barnacles now than I ever wanted to!

Here is some cool barnacle footage I shot, the barnacle is feeding with a worm going by.

This was me + my group for the barnacle assignment! It was a very wet day

We also have been experimenting for our final project on D. vexillum – this orange slime-like tunicate that has invaded the waters of BC and grows under docks and along the seafloor. It is originally from Japan and came here by hitchhiking on ship hulls. Our project is looking at the best way to kill it since it grows on all the oyster aquaculture gear and is a real nuisance – we’re trying out hot temperatures and freshwater as removal methods. On the left is a picture of one of our samples in Tupperware (one of 80!),

Us collecting from the docks


Visit to the Sugsaw salmon hatchery! What a cool day. We first had to get to the hatchery by crossing this precarious bridge (pictured left) which was a slippery log across a river… pretty cool! We saw some salmon in holding tanks, they are about to spawn.

On the left is a fish egg counter, they scoop up the eggs and count rows of 10! On the right is us in the salmon river right next to the hatchery. Salmon kept hitting our legs and it was the weirdest feeling!

Once the salmons are ready to spawn they kill the female and open up her belly and drop her eggs on to trays that look like these. Then they manually fertilize them and leave them to develop in these trays until they are baby fish. They are then removed, stored in tanks for a while to grow, and then released into the ocean. The reason they do this is to a) take pressure off the wild populations of salmon and b) to support the sport fishing industry.

Another cool thing I learned was that fish from hatcheries have much worse instincts then wild fish (ie they are more likely to lay their eggs in the wrong places, choose the worst males to mate with, and go back to the wrong rivers). So they try to keep the wild fish as separate from the hatchery fish as possible so they don’t interbreed and “dilute” the wild fish instincts.

And lastly – and coolest – we saw 5 bears!! The hatchery is super remote, and the bears love salmon, so we saw lots of them by the river. My favourite was seeing a baby bear in a tree, when the mom heard us she ran up from the river and started to make “chuffing” sounds to warn us. We also saw lots of dead salmon in the river (after they spawn, they die). Watch the video above for more!

Some delicious cookies from my English grandparents! Yummy!

And a scenic picture from a field trip on a rainy day!


Thanks for reading! Hope all is well 🙂

4 thoughts on “Mid-way update!

  1. joan Bedford

    Hi Lauren, Glad you liked the cookies and having a great and interestihg time in Bamfield.Some parts of the UK have had a lot of rain this week but Amersham has been lucky with mild weather which is good because it is half term for school children. lots of love Grandma xx

  2. Grahdma

    your pictures of marine life are fantastic.I am very happy that get learn and enjoying it. Love you a lot and miss you.


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