The Alberta oilsands vs. the environment

The article found on this website: deals with the ethical issue of how oilsands are used in extracting oil and gas. The debate lies in the question of whether or not it is better to produce oil and gas cheaply, allowing more people access, or to develop means, more expensively, to protect the environment.  Oil companies want to make the most money possible and to do that, they will try to obtain oil with minimal cost possible.  This makes the product a cheaper price to sell to consumers. However, this poses huge environmental threats to many animals and their ecosystems. The above article mentions that the provincial government of Alberta implemented new laws for oilsands to minimize their pollution levels in an effort to protect the environment.  However, oil companies, acting in their own interests seem to be disregarding these new laws.  It is no more than two weeks since these pollution laws came into effect and the acceptable levels of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide outlined in the Lower Athabasca Regional Plan are predicted to be crossed if all goes according to plan.  Cheaper gas to fuel a car is not worth compromising the planet we live on.

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