Demand for Loaning Money


Kiva Picture

The company Kiva, which offers micro-loans to those in need, has a demand surplus.  This concept may seem strange because the idea behind Kiva is to help those in need by lending small portions of money.  Normally, people have a hard time finding loans when they need them and with Kiva, somehow too many people want to loan money.  The idea of micro-loaning has become so popular that Kiva has had to limit the amount of money people can loan.  People can now only lend $25 per “borrower.”  This company, a social entrepreneurship, has had success that any company would would want.  Companies normally start up a business with the main goal to make a profit rather than with a social mission.  This was not the case with Kiva, it began with the vision of little contributions making a huge difference in people’s lives that need loans to get back on their feet.  This is much different than philanthropy.  Money is not simply thrown at a problem to be fixed.  Kiva gives people the means to help and find a sustainable solution and shows that businesses can be non-profit and set up to make change and not the stereotypical, unmoral business that cares of nothing more than making a profit.

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