Ethics and Politics in Business

With the re-election of Obama in the US, many CEO’s are not celebrating.  The CEO of Boston Pizza, John Schnatter, shares this view.  Obama’s health care program forces companies to insure their full-time employees.  Mr. Schnatter is going to raise his pizza prices to cover the new tax costs for healthcare.  He also intends to cut down employee working hours.  This is not for more vacation time, it is to rid the need to provide healthcare insurance.  This brings up ethics and how employees should be treated in the work environment.  This CEO is finding loopholes in Obama’s healthcare plan to maximize his profits and minimize costs.  Businesses trying to minimize costs is common to every business.  However, ethics need to be taken into account.  I think the most successful businesses are ones that care about its workers because then they have company pride.  When more than just profits matter, there is much more care and pride put into the product being sold.  An example of this is Zappos Shoe Company.  It has an incredibly positive work environment and customer service that entices consumers. Having a reputable company not only creates a better environment but it makes the company look better in the eyes of the consumer.

Papa John’s Photo

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