The Science of Cuisine

Ferran Adrias, a chef for the recently closed restaurant El Bulli, has decided to take the art of modern cuisine on an entirely new path.  A path of technology, science and ‘gastronomy.’ He has begun a new and extremely unique project called La Bullipedia, which is a website that will contain all the knowledge on gastronomics that Adrias is finding.  This information comes from his experience in trying new recipes when he worked at El Bulli. He analyzes food as a biologist would analyze bacteria or a microorganism.

Ferran Adrias admits that the restaurant was closed down during the time that was its peak of performance.  This is an unusual business decision that some might never understand.  Adrias is passionate about food and needed to pursue a bigger idea.  He has entrepreneurial qualities and aspirations which push such a risky innovation.  This risk will benefit foodies and techie’s alike.  The combination of the worlds of cuisine and science & technology may seem like a bizzare one, but on further inspection it will improve the food industry in a way that nothing else could.  The whole world is turning to technology and it is time for the culinary arts to jump on the bandwagon.  I believe that even food can be improved through technology and maybe someday restaurants will need an IT department!

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