Comment on “What Was Lululemon Thinking?” by Carolyn Gregoire in the Huffington Post

This blog shows the importance of market research in the context of Lululemon advertising. Lululemon has long been known to have inspirational words or phrases on its reusable bags, however, consumers knew what they meant and the company did not have to define their meaning. This new bag with the word “Brahmacharya” is a word only known to dedicated yogis. Lululemons customers, however, are not all high level yogis, so they do not know the meaning to this word. Therefore, yogis will know the word to mean celibate, as this blog tells us, which is quite different from how Lululemon is using the word; with the intentions to market a lifestyle. Using the wrong definition of brachmacharya not only shows a lack of research or care from the company, but also creates false ideas about the company and its products.
I think this blog brings up the importance of using the correct phrasing when marketing to a mass, who either know the meaning well or are misled by the incorrect meaning. This shows just another marketing tactic that is misguided, not thought out, and deceptive.

Read the blog here.

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