If the United Nations was fully funded, why would we need the Arc and Social Enterprise?

Imagine the United Nations was fully funded, this wouldn’t guarantee greater funds directed to development programmes. In the period of 2012-2013, a total of 9.1% of the UN’s budget was allocated to the ‘development account’ and ‘international cooperation for development’. Many departments within the UN could argue they are underfunded, so an increase in funds …

Finding A Balance

Uppercase is a magazine operating in Calgary and was named one of ‘Canada’s 10 Most Remarkable Small Businesses’ in September by the Globe and Mail. The part of this story which interested me the most is the fact that the magazine has over 4000 subscribers worldwide. I had originally set out to consider the effects …

Integrating Culture with Marketing Content

Following Class 19 and attending the ‘Industry Insights to Digital Marketing’ Event yesterday, ‘Why content creation is everyone’s job’ by John Jantsch, which discusses the link between culture and creating content, became an article I can relate to more. I, too, believe that content is a way to showcase organisational culture to those out with the business, …

Micro-Finance, Macro Opportunity

The Micro-Finance sector continues to grow, now with over 10,000 Micro-Finance Institutions (MFIs) worldwide. One of these institutions is Kiva. What interested me most about this organisation is that it is set up similarly to Kickstarter, a site I have been following for a number of years. Kiva allows anyone to make small loans to …

Baggage Fees? What’s Next?

While taking a look at some of my classmates’ blog, Peinan’s blog caught my eye, in particular the comment ‘why don’t they charge by people’s own weight as well?’. The airline industry often receives coverage regarding the prices it charges and the ‘value for money’ consumers are actually receiving. Recently Air Canada has made the …

A new way of advertising

Reading ‘The Truth Behind Norway’s First Child Wedding’ highlighted to me the way that advertising and social media can be used not only to increase knowledge of products. This story, unlike thousands, isn’t real and instead is part of Plan International’s initiative to draw attention to the sheer number of child marriages. As someone who …

First Nations Government’s Role in Permits and Licences

Source: http://www.vancouversun.com/news/metro/Unilateral+park+declared+Tsilhqot+includes+Prosperity+mine/10192766/story.html When reading the articles, I found it particularly interesting to learn about the First Nations Government. From the declaration of an area of the Chilcotin as a Tribal Park, it means that people and companies now have to apply through the First Nations Government for permits and licences to operate on the land. This …

A unique approach to ‘Positioning’

In their book ‘Positioning: The Battle for your Mind’, Ries and Trout argue that the easiest way to get into a consumer’s mind and become established in the market is to be first in a product category, rather than simply being a well-known brand. This made me think of Virgin in particular, a massive enterprise, …

The Google Way

Saturday marked Google’s 16th birthday and the tech giant is showing no signs of slowing down. Google has changed the way businesses can operate; providing a platform for consumers to easily access companies’ profiles and websites, a source of instant information and more recently offering the second largest social network in the world to be …