Analyzing and constructing digital objects

“It is becoming increasingly clear that merely introducing technology to the educational process is not enough to ensure technology integration since technology alone does not lead to change” (Carr, Jonassen, Litzinger & Marra, 1998). Therefore, choosing an LMS that promotes an effective learning environment requires exploration and analysis of some of the options that are available. It is necessary to decide on which one best fits the needs of your organization, your own teaching style as well as students learning style. Becoming fluent with educational technology means teachers must go beyond mere competence with the latest tools (Zhao, 2003). It is also necessary that digital tools enhance the ability to create an interactive and learning environment for students.

I used the program to create a digital story that represents my experience exploring and analyzing various Learning Management Systems for the purpose of constructing an online course.




Carr, A. A., Jonassen, D. H., Litzinger, M. E., & Marra, R. M. (1998). Good ideas to foment educational revolution: The role of systematic change in advancing situated learning, constructivism, and feminist pedagogy. Educational Technology, 38(1), 5-14.

Zhao, Y. (Ed.). (2003). What teachers should know about technology: Perspectives and practices. Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing.

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