Delivery Platform Evaluation

Technology is in a constant state of flux. As non-profit organizations look to find
more cost effective, reliable, and accessible methods of training their staff, alternate learning management systems (LMS) should necessarily be evaluated in order to choose one that best meets their organizational needs.

For Assignment 2, our group consisting of Laurie Carswell Petrucci, Donna-Marie Hamilton, Caitlin Langford, Grant Naylor, and Janet Rothney evaluated three LMS platforms – Moodle, WordPress and Eliademy – to select the most suitable learning platform for a community organization. We chose Big Brothers Big Sisters Organization of Canada as our non-profit organization and concluded that of the three LMS formats evaluated Eliademy would be the most suitable LMS format in order for staff to train volunteers. To evaluate each of the three delivery platforms, it was necessary to analyze the organizations needs as well as create a rubric to allow us to assess the affordances and limitations of each LMS option.

Our Platform Evaluation for a Community Organization can be found by clicking on the following link: Platform Evaluation for a Community Organization

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