Third Gear

Subaru v.s. Mistubishi

November 21st, 2010 · No Comments

How do different car manufacturers compete against their direct competitors? Given the fact that doing business always means the exposure to cut-throat competition, it’s mostly the direct competition that is cutting the throat. Now, two players in the race market, Subaru and Mitsubishi, are striving for the posession of the market share for lower-end sports cars. Both are Japanese, both are veterans in the heavy industry, and both are known for manufacturing high performance vehicles. Take a look at Mitsubishi Evo vs. Subaru Impreza.

Mistubishi Evo – What it has over Subaru is its appealing look. Fewer people are indeed fans of the look of a Subaru. The decent and featured appearance of Evo, together with its superb curve handling, Evo identifies itself as a classic sports utility of history.

Subaru Impreza – Subaru is fast! That’s all I can say. Also, don’t forget that there is the engine, the Subaru Boxer, one of the greatest inventions ever.

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