Data Used

Land Use data was from DataBC. This vector shape file was converted from polygon to raster.
    File name: Baseline Thematic Mapping Present Land Use Version 1 Spatial Layer

BC DEM was from the UBC geography G drive. Aspect and Elevation derived from this DEM file (cell size 77m).

Rivers data was from DataBC. We kept rivers and streams, removing unnecessary features such as ice fields based on the Geog Feature Code Catalogue table from UBC G drive.
    File name: WSA – WATER POLYGON FEATURES (50,000)

Roads data was from UBC G Drive in the form of a vector shape file. Removed ferry routes and railroads to only include roads and bridges. Road names were from DataBC.
    File name:Ministry of Transportation (MOT) Road Features Inventory (RFI)

Plants data was from The IAPP (The Invasive Alien Plant Program), permission from Dr. Brian Klinkenberg. This vector shape file was reprojected from WGS_1984_Web_Mercator_Auxillary_Sphere to NAD_1983_BC_Environment_Albers Coordinate system.

Soil drainage was from the UBC G Drive. This raster file was resampled to change cell size from 100 m to 77m.

All data was projected in NAD_1983 datum and BC Albers Projection.