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Jell-O is one of many brands under Kraft, which was created at the end of the 19th century. It was once very popular among consumers.SONY DSCsource of image

Recently, sales began to fall continuously. Thus, Kraft tried to reposition Jell-O, in order to promote sales. Jell-O’s old target audiences were adults, who tried to lose weight by reducing carbohydrate intake; but now their new target is “food for fun”. Unfortunately, the repositioning fails.

In my opinion, Jell-O’s new position is not effective. As I mentioned above, the new position of Jell-O is “food for fun”, but the problem that caused declining sales was not that the products were not fun enough. According to Candice Choi’s “Jell-O can’t stop slippery sales slide”, the real problems are:

  1. Consumers nowadays focus more on the nutritional value and natural ingredients of the product. However, in consumers’ impression, Jell-O produces fun jelly with eye-catching colors, which implies that the jelly is made of artificial chemical ingredients.jellysource of image
  2. Nowadays, fewer people eat desserts after dinner, because desserts are time-consuming. As a result, disserts are replaced by snacks. But in consumers’ impressions, Jell-O only sells different kinds of desserts.

I suggest Jell-O publishing advertisements on the topic of natural ingredients and nutritional value of the product. However, consumers may not want to buy Jell-O products based on their impression of the brand. Thus, to break through consumers’ stereotype of the brand, voucher could be used to attract consumers.


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