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While reading classmates’ blogs, ShangYu (Angela) Liu’s blog about ‘Windowless Airplanes’ really catches my attention. In her blog, she talks about the idea of an innovative airplane that is ‘windowless’, and relates this idea to the concept of sustainability that we learned in class. I agree with her that this innovation is socially, environmentally, and economically sustainable, and thus beneficial to all of us. In addition to this, windowless airplane also reminds me of PEST – external macro-economic factors that can affect business.

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In my point of view, this is an excellent example where technology affects business in the positive aspect. This is because technological developments give airplanes this chance of being ‘thinner, more lightweight, and stronger’ as mentioned in the article. Besides, the screen, which is used to displace the windows of the airplanes, uses the technology called ‘OLED’, and organic materials are used in this technology. This is another reason why windowless airplanes can be considered as environmental friendly, since organic materials contribute to the reduction of the emission of carbon dioxide, and they can be recycled after being used.

In the case of windowless airplanes, and according to PEST, technology has a positive impact on the industry.

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