Non-fiction Literature

Kathleen Cushman and the students of What Kids Can Do have created the book Fires in the Bathroom: Advice for Teachers from High School Students. A sample of it can be found here.  The book is not only an insightful read for teachers, but would also serve as a relevant piece of non-fiction to study in the class.

fires in the bathroom

Photo source:

The What Kids Can Do website also features small publications which provides discussion topics and materials for the classroom. One publication English teachers may find particularly relevant is Making Writing Essential to Teen Lives.

Why is it important to include student-written resources in a low SES classroom or for students with low SES? In my opinion, I think it serves as a connection piece. If students can see what people their age are capable of producing, something that is “worthy” of being studied in the classroom, it may encourage students to produce work relevant to their needs.

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