The Importance of Silent Reading

As shown in different studies, a child with a low socioeconomic background develops reading skills slower than his/her classmates from higher socioeconomic backgrounds. (Aikens and Barbarin 2008, Mujis et al. 2004, American Psychological Association 2009). Due to lack of time, parental support, and resources available, students from low socioeconomic backgrounds spend little time becoming acquainted with books.  Because of this, I believe there is great necessity to include independent silent reading in the classroom.

While there are arguments for and against Sustained Silent Reading and the development it has on student’s literacy levels, I have my reasons why I think it is important to include in the classroom.

1. It gives students a chance to read without the distractions from Snapchat, Facebook and Instagram.

2. It can peak a students interest in reading as a hobby.

3. It gives students a chance to pick their own material to read.

This would beneficial in the English classroom because it allows students, who may find difficulty motivating their selves to read, to exercise their choice of reading.

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