Category Archives: Technology


Not Your Grandma’s Grammar Lesson

Looking for an interactive way to include grammar into your lessons? If your school has classroom laptops, iPads, or a computer lab available, create a classroom account on No Red Ink. This site allows you to teach the essential grammar rules in the English language, but also permits your students to control their pace. Practice questions and class quizzes are available.


Reading and Technology

While it was not found if computer reading programs increased the reading scores of students, the programs tested in  “Effectiveness of Reading and Mathematics Software Products: Findings from the First Student Cohort” (Means, Murphy, Penuel, Javitz, Emery, & Sussex, 2007), did mention computer programs led for classes where the teacher could act as a facilitator, rather than a lecturer. This was beneficial for the students in low socioeconomic environments, because they were able to learn from doing rather than listening.

Examples of computer reading programs:

The Academy of Reading.

Headsprout. Intended for K-5.

Read 180. From Scholastic.

Computer reading programs are helpful for students with a low socioeconomic background to introduce technology, and improve literacy skills. [tag research links].