Web Folio creation reflection blog

Creating a Web folio is empowering. I have thought of creating a blog site before, but as a previous business owner, I know I should start making a blog only after finding the blog’s purpose, identifying my target audience and when I am ready to commit to consistently monitoring and updating the blog. This course exceeded my expectations because the course also teaches the modern way of communicating in the workplace and provides practical writing exercises that helped me improve my technical writing skills. 

I was also fascinated with the number of marketing templates and photos which are now readily purchased for less than $100.00 that I used to hire professionals for, such as website designers and graphic designers. Marketing materials have become ubiquitous and inexpensive. However, I find that modern employees or business people are now expected to be knowledgeable about business and marketing aside from being good at their chosen professions. Enrolling in this course provides students with resources that can enhance one’s career or business, such as learning how to use WordPress and LinkedIn. I am currently designing online cooking classes for an elementary school, and creating a WordPress site will be helpful as a recipe storage site that will complement the cooking classes.

My basic English knowledge was a weakness that is strengthened by taking this course. Having the book and document writing examples is handy in making the activities, and I will use the resources as a reference as I move forward at school or work. Another weakness is my attention deficit disorder. For example, I would figure out how to create pages and posts, but after five minutes, I would forget the steps. Forgetting how to use WordPress is irritating; however, as I was doing the Web Folio, I just made a flowchart and documented the steps to avoid forgetting them. I will keep those self-made instructions as a reference when I start doing a WordPress site for my volunteer work. 

Curiosity and eagerness to learn are my strengths in this class. I have a heavy course load this semester, and I wished that I had more time to explore Word Press, LinkedIn, and Qualtrics. However, I think that the purpose of taking this course is to help us move forward in our careers, and I will take advantage of learning how to use these applications after this course. 

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