A Primer on Digital Transformations

I encourage you to take a look at a recent publication from Deloitte (via Wired Magazine) titled: “Digital Transformation: A Primer.” There are some very good concepts highlighted in this primer that can help you gain an appreciation for Digital Transformation (including Digital Learning).

They helpfully provide the following definition for Digital Transformation:

“Digital transformation is all about becoming a digital enterprise—an organization that uses technology to continuously evolve all aspects of its business models (what it offers, how it interacts with customers and how it operates).”

Some additional aspects that are worth noting:

  • The Venn diagram showing the overlap of transforming the business and transforming the organization is particularly useful. I appreciate the focus on culture, new ways of working and building capabilities.
  • The lenses through which to view transformation guide us to think broadly. We need to be careful that we do not limit ourselves or look at transformation too narrowly. From the list of lenses, I’m particularly interested in “Experiences & Engagement”, “Culture & Leadership”, “Organization & Workforce” and “Ambitions & Aspirations.” I’d even argue that this is where I’d start – as they provide the best foundation for learning. And if we’re learning, we can better tackle the other lenses.
  • Speaking of ambitions – the advice for tackling ambitions is solid and worth keeping in mind. I like to share this idea (paraphrasing from Alice in Wonderland) – “If you don’t know where you are going, any road will get you there.” If we are going to decentralize, democratize and empower learners – we better have clarity about our ambitions and make it easy for everyone to pursue.
  • And last, but not least, it’s useful to have a model like Imagine, Deliver, Run to guide efforts to pull all of this together. The focus on iterative, incremental, and learning as you go serves the transformation and reinforces the learning mentality needed.

If your transformation is already in flight, what ambitions are you pursuing? How are you aligning learning and the larger transformation? What lessons have you learned along the way that you wish you had known at the outset of your journey?

1 thought on “A Primer on Digital Transformations

  1. The digitalization of processes is relevant not only at the level of rare enterprises: the target industries choose this development path for themselves as the only opportunity to meet the expanding conditions of the world around me. This digital transformation of industry, retail, the public sector and more is already changing the lives of every person and every company today.

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