
In exploring Digital Learning, we can consider the topic from multiple dimensions such as: Culture, Literacy, Scaling, Analytics, Mobile, Gaming, Design, and so on. In these subsections, I’ve shared content (and overviews) produced during my journey through UBC’s Master of Educational Technology (MET) program. In working my way through from Augmented Reality to Zone of Proximal Development – I’ve written, built, discussed, and reviewed a range of topics in support of Digital Learning in the corporate space. I’m hoping that this exploration provides value and insights and helps us progress Digital Learning.

Here are a few snippets that I think are interesting to consider:

“Life is messy. Life is confusing, heterogeneous, and constantly changing. Is it inconsistent then to expect that knowledge would be managed, resistant to change and homogeneous?”

“Organizations succeed not based on remembering answers to known problems, but instead by finding the best answers, in limited time, to new questions and problems. The Bank didn’t find itself lagging the industry due to a specific technology or isolated skill – they suffer from a systemic inability to scale learning.”

“The world is his classroom and laboratory – he learns from his experiments and interactions with colleagues, partners and customers. There is a dynamic network of learning that he is able to contribute to and leverage. Each day, he finds that people share discoveries and ideas via blogging, micro-lessons, lunch and learns, YouTube, instant messaging and a healthy dose of mentoring and pairing.”