Planned To Perfection

The key to any successful business is a well developed business plan and a well planned strategy. Steve Jobs was one of the co-founders of Apple Inc. as well as one of the leading innovators of the company. Jobs had a plan that was developed around a hockey phrase he acquired, “[Apple] will skate to where the puck will be”. Jobs used this phrase and related it to Apple’s plan as a company, it means that apple will not be looking to provide products to satisfy current trends, rather, create new trends and products people didn’t even know they “needed”. This plan provided the company with an advantage, their advantage came from their thirst for innovation. The innovations Apple created, changed and shifted in markets. These shifts gave Apple the edge in portable music players, laptops, smartphones and tablets. Sam Gustin reports in his article that Apple is on a monthly average producing $4 million in profit. Apple’s key to success came with Steve Jobs and his business plan for the company. Jobs’ business plan led to the development of a strategy, innovate. This strategy created a share price that is now over $600. A strong business plan and an effective strategy are the keys to a successful business and are exhibited by Apple Inc.

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