Rotting Apple

Apple in it’s last quarter released two large new product. First of all, it released the Ipad mini. This was a hit, although it is over priced for the highly competitive market it is in. Secondly, it released the Iphone 5. The Iphone 5 was less of a hit and more a dramatic failure that did not meet the expectations of buyers. Even worse, the Samsung Galaxy S3 had sold in mass amounts that add up to enough sales to call it the new best-selling phone of all time.

Peter Nowak wrote this blog with the key idea that success for apple in the future may be hard to come by. There is very little progress being made by the company, or at least what their products show us. The mix of bad production or lack of innovation in their new products and the rise of threat from competitors is lethal mix for Apple. People questioned how the company would work fair with the loss of the beloved Steve Jobs and regrettably it’s going the way that some speculators believed it would. Apple needs a spark, a creative mind, a point of difference to again take precedence again in the media industry.

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