301 Assignments

Definitions and Audience

The definitions assignment was very educational, and I learned much about writing, peer-review, and editing. Reflecting on writing, I often explain as much as possible about a topic, making the reader well-informed. However, since the target audience here are non-experts, this amount of detail can hinder understanding. For example, in the assignment’s original draft, I explain sonata form’s “key change” aspect, but my peer’s review noted that concept is too much detail for those just learning the concept. Similarly, if the overall concept you define has multiple important terms, providing working definitions on top of an analysis of parts is a good idea. In my case, including a working definition of what a “key change” is, might have made my first draft more effective.

Concerning my writing’s other aspects, using parentheses to introduce terms is ineffective if the reader is glancing through the text, as parentheses are not eye-catching. What catches a reader’s eye are diagrams and other visuals. My peer-reviewer noted my sonata form diagram was initially confusing, using terms like “exposition” and “development,” which are only defined later in their view. It was true I had a more extended analysis of sonata form’s parts later, and that likely caught their eye second because I bolded the font. Yet, I first mention exposition and related terms in my sentence definition, but they likely did not see those, as the terms were in parentheses. Overall, the biggest lesson is a visual with terms should be preceded by a visually-striking explanation of those terms.

Peer-review meanwhile prevents over-detailed writing, and balance desire for depth with accessibility to non-experts. Likewise, peer-reviewing others work is invaluable, as you verbalize the effective and ineffective aspects of others’ writing, and then can apply it when self-editing, perhaps incorporating visuals or more concision. People can equate professionalism and authority with complex words, but often, immediately understandable writing is best, as readers will feel equal with the author, and thus more willing to respect them.

Lastly, concerning editing, deciding what to leave out of explanations was a tough choice. It can feel you are sacrificing truth and accuracy by simplifying, but from this assignment I learned it is better to give the incomplete foundation so readers can build it up themselves later, or ask further questions from that foundation. For example, while leaving out the descriptions of key change in sonata form feels incomplete, readers will likely feel less overwhelmed, and then can ask further questions like “What am I really hearing that gives Theme 2 such a different character?”

Leif Jack Revised Definition

Madison Strasman’s Peer Review of Leif Jack’s Definitions

301 Assignments

Writing Team Email Message #3

Dear Madison Strasman,

I am writing to you regarding your writing team application letter for English 301, and would be interested in working with you on a writing team for the course.
Your experience from participating in HUBBUB is highly relevant, and that mixed with your volunteer experience, assures me you would be an excellent teammate. Likewise, I think there is much we could learn from each other as teammates. You have said you embrace making mistakes in order to learn; I tend to seek perfection, but am working on letting myself make mistakes first, and then editing them later. Though we have different tendencies, I think these very differences could make us an effective team.
Please let me know if you would be interested in forming a writing team, and if you would be seeking additional members.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Leif Jack
301 Assignments

Writing Team Email Message #2

Dear Konstantin Mestnikov,

I am writing to you regarding your writing team application letter, and would be interested in working with you on a writing team for English 301.
Your determination and work ethic in pursuing two Bachelor of Science degrees is impressive, and makes me confident we would be an efficient and productive team. Likewise, I resonate with your belief that collaboration is essential to learning, as my most memorable learning experiences are ones where I worked with others to understand a concept.
Please let me know if you would be interested in forming a writing team, and if you would be seeking additional members.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Leif Jack
301 Assignments

Writing Team Email Message #1 (Reply)

Dear Matilda Murray,

I apologize for the delayed reply. If you have not yet formed a full writing team, I gladly accept the offer to work as your teammate.
I appreciate your initiative in reaching out to me, and would look forward to working with you. The extent of your work and volunteer experience is impressive, and assures me we would be a highly productive writing team. It excites me too that you are majoring in history, as I am deeply passionate about the subject myself, and think we could have many engaging discussions.
Please let me know as soon as you can if you are still seeking writing team members, and if you would like to arrange a virtual meeting with me. I am available anytime for a meeting except June 3rd from 11am-3:30pm.
Thank you.
Leif Jack

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