301 Assignments

Using my Skills to Support my Future

This course has provided much room for reflection, whether in terms of my assignments and learning process, or how I can apply the skills I’ve developed in this course to my future endeavors.

One of my biggest strengths in assignments is generating ideas, and being very specific about how I define and say things. However, this frequently causes the problem where I am over detailed and need to edit my writing for conciseness. Similarly, I still need to work on tone by rewriting my sentence is so I can remove pronouns Where possible, and this will also help my concision. Concerning my learning process, I have had a lot of trouble Fundamentally changing the way I write so as to be more concise. Often, when I edit for concision, I usually just change word order slightly and remove unnecessary words. Well, this is not a wrong approach to editing, I think I could really benefit from seeing other ways to write sentences, often I feel my writing sticks to a formula I don’t entirely know how to change. However, when I do understand a new way to do things, I’m very disciplined about incorporating it as much as possible into my writing and editing accordingly.

Relating this to my future, and how this can support it, one of my strengths is a sensitivity towards tense matters. Well, I am still developing in my professional tone, I think in many assignments dealing with sensitive matters like the Evan Crisp memo or the complaint and adjustment letters, I was sufficiently diplomatic. This will serve me well in the future, as a diplomatic poorly written letter is preferred to an extremely accusatory one that is written perfectly.

301 Assignments

Creating my Web Folio

In some ways creating this web folio was meditative. Having to go back and edit all our assignments from the course made me very aware of the present, as you’re not thinking about what you have to write only what now exists on the page, and then correcting it or finding a more concise way of saying it. related to that, editing all our assignments forces us two really apply the strategies and feedback we’ve received during this course.

Creating this web folio was also interesting from a design and marketing perspective. One of the most important questions I asked was how to organize the vast amount of material required to be on our site. Larger scale sections were straight forward to organize, for example it was clear that the bio page could just be one page, and it did not require any other subpages. Where it was tricky was specifically with the resume, application package, and portfolio pages. Were the application package and resume distinct items that should each receive their own page? Or should one or should they be under what one tab called “Work” and each be a subpage. I eventually settled that they should be under the same page because they contain similar documents and ideas. the portfolio is trickiest, because you can argue that writing samples should be in the same area as a resume and application package. Because the portfolio required uploading at least nine edited documents, I felt the sub menu would be too cluttered if you also added a resume and applications package. Thus. To reduce the size of the sub menu I kept the portfolio as a separate tab from the resume and application package.

Figuring out how to market my site was also an interesting challenge. I had to ask myself which organisations would be interested in someone with a resume and writing portfolio, but also a passion for music and plenty of experience in that area. After some consideration, I decided all the content on my website would be most relevant to arts organisations looking for someone who could create effective technical documents, perhaps an administrative assistant or projects management assistant. Using an arts organization as my audience, I was able to unify both my assignments from the course and the bio I had already written for the blog site. This also justified including my Instagram on my page

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