Proposal Memo


To: Erika Paterson, Professor

From: Leif Jack, Student

Date: June 22nd, 2022

Subject: Formal Research Proposal

Hello Dr. Paterson,

As requested, I posted my formal research proposal to my writing team forum, and it should appear as the post below this memo.

The proposal covers and contains:

  • Intended Audience: Mayor of Kelowna, Colin Basran
  • Background: Kelowna’s recent fluctuations between near-drought and above average summer precipitation
  • Effects: the living standard reduction, economic disruption, and property damage these weather patterns cause
  • Solutions: a brief comparison of two possible solutions to these problems, with considerations of cost-effectiveness
  • Research Method: a plan combining research and surveys to determine solutions’ feasibility
  • Qualifications: my qualifications as a resident of Kelowna
  • Preferred Action: a request for proposal approval

Please let me know if there are any issues accessing the research proposal or missing details. I look forward to hearing from you.

Enclosure: Formal Research Proposal

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