Mid-Term Evaluations

Hi there!

Here is a short snippet of my blogs that I am most proud of this term. The first one being assignment 1.3 “Thoughts on Chamberlin’s Final Chapter. The reason why I chose this blog is that it shows the base knowledge that I had going into the course and how this final chapter shifted my perspective to fit this course. Through this post, I also had the opportunity to discuss the connection Indigenous people have to the living and non-living worlds in addition to learning how to walk in both the western and non-western worlds.

The second blog that I am particularly proud of is 2.2 “Home Sweet Home“. This blog was probably the easiest yet the hardest at the same time as it really pushed my ability to express myself in written form. I was proud of the way it turned out as I believe it captures my voice.

The third and final blog that I like is 2.6 “What’s the difference”. This blog I think was important to me because it was the one that opened my eyes to how the author’s writing style makes us read the book in different ways, depending on if it is out loud and or silently.

Overall I think that each of these blogs allowed me to think about what I find the most interesting from each of the lessons! I can’t wait for the second half of the course!



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