WalMart’s Successful… Culture Building.

We all know that Walmart is a successful company. But what you may not know is its amazing culture, and how it keeps it so strong and consistent.

Culture is one of the most important things about a company. Forget the stock price. Forget the product. Forget the business plan. If a company has a strong and positive culture that matches the company’s products and company… it will be successful. And without a consistent culture (maybe as a result of mergers), things won’t go so well.

Culture presents norms to employees. Have you ever gone into a job wondering ‘what’s normal’ and ‘what’s not’? Well guess what? You’re trying to define the norms of the job. If you didn’t know what was normal and what wasn’t… you’d do a pretty bad job.

Now what Walmart does is  set up rituals, intensive training programs, routines, and strong norms. The company also empowers its employees: you don’t just work for the company, you own the company. Innovation, simplicity, and consideration have all been things that Walmart does to treat their employees well.

What can we get from this?

Evidently, it’s not just about the outside relationships with customers. You have to love yourself too.


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