Creating a ‘Business’ on Facebook: Purely on Facebook.

When one speaks of entrepreneurship, you may not think of teenage girls trading items to strangers on a social media like Facebook. But believe it or not, this is a thing.

There are hundreds and thousands of Facebook accounts that are run by young (or adult) females who purchase their items of choice from online suppliers, ship them to their residence and sell them to customers in their local area. Plushies, clothes, makeup, you name it. This is a hot trend that is hitting not only Canada, but certainly other countries as well.

The owners will post pictures of their products on their Facebook albums, along with proofs to show their credibility, and advertise their products. They’ll start networking by adding other local stores in their area, and little by little, the customers start flowing in. When customers want an item, they arrange a ‘facetrade’ with the owner, where they meet at a designated location in the city. Usually, it’s often an awkward exchange.

Sounds crazy? Maybe it is.

But these women do make a profit, and these products are in demand. They’re taking a social media platform to a whole new level, and innovating, and being their own entrepreneurs.

source: myself.

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