Google’s Touching Ad: Unexpected Value


It’s probably been a long time since you felt like you watched something that really hit you in the gut, or that you felt the need to share. But here’s one advertisement that really touched me. And it’s from Google. Don’t believe me? Take a look at the video here.

This video shows the reunion of two childhood friends in India who were separated due to the partition of India. Years later, through the power of the internet (namely Google), the grand-children of these two friends reunite them.

It’s a powerful ad, and shows what exactly Google does for us in our everyday lives. But it can also do some pretty amazing things as well. Not just tell you how to get to the hair salon.

Unexpectedly, Google hasn’t just brought the value of convenience to it’s customers. It has also brought the value of connection which is strongly presented in this ad. I would highly recommend any person to take a look at this ad. It’s touching, isn’t trying to sell you something blatantly, and shows that we can actually be thankful to corporations for the value that they give us in our lives.

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