Corporate Social ‘Responsibility’… a sham?

Woah. Ever seen a burger look more perfect than that?

Perfect on the eyes… terrible on the stomach. These little burgers can pack up a hell load of calories, and on top of that… do you know how they’re made and what they’re made of? Probably not. But listen to this, major fast-food chains are starting to modify their recipes in order to be more health-conscious.

Subway, Dunkin’ Donuts, and McDonald’s have all been looking at ways to make healthier menu options. Cutting down on salt, replacing sodium with mushroom powder… why are corporations doing this?

Is it the attractiveness that it gives to customers? Or is there another reason?

In my opinion, these corporations are not doing this as a responsibility to the public. They’re completely fine with producing what they’re producing… if so many people didn’t object to it.

As time goes on, more and more people becoming more health-conscious. Calories this, calories that. Obesity is a big issue in the States… to the cause of corporations who changes our diet to consist mainly of meat.

This worked to their advantage… until now. Now that the demand is for ‘seemingly’ healthier food, that’s where the companies will go. And not for the benefit of society…


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