BlackBerry and Kik settle instant messaging spat

BlackBerry phones are known to have this unique messaging application which is only available to BlackBerry users, called BBM (BlackBerry Messenger). BlackBerry had filed a lawsuit in Federal Court in Toronto in 2010 allege that the start-up infringed on their patents. The founder and chief executive of the instant messaging service Kik, Ted Livingston, was accused of using knowledge he gained when he was working for BlackBerry.

Kik now has 90 million users around the world compared to the 60 million users BBM has. Kik Messenger is a cross-platform application which also works on the iPhone and any android devices. On the other hand, BlackBerry is still holding on its tiny user base and has failed to expand. However, now that the lawsuit between this two companies has ended, many new opportunities has arisen.  Kik messenger was banned from the BlackBerry application store until now, and it has opened up paths to work together.

It is a big step BlackBerry has taken toward a more diverse target market. Instead of closing itself out, BlackBerry is trying really hard to reach out to more customers, and this sets a great milestone.

Ligaya, Armina. “BlackBerry and Kik settle instant messaging spat.” Financial Post Business BlackBerry and Kik settle instant messagingspat Comments. 08 Oct. 2013 <>.

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