Re: The Artificial Eggs


Is it still considered “egg”?

Hampton Creek, the company that just announced its latest creation, artificial eggs which are made of plants. On the Hampton Creek website, there are lists of factors which show that the artificial eggs, also known as Beyond Eggs, are far more superior than regular eggs. Hampton Creek claims that Beyond Eggs will tastes better than normal eggs, have no cholesterol, and even cheaper.

I believe it is a great product. Since the eggs are made of plants, there are almost no factor  restricting how much the company can produce beside the growing of the plants itself, and consumers would not have to worry about any animal related diseases. Due to its cheaper price, many people would switch to this as an alternative for eggs.  However, just like what Zheran said, they will be people who are doubtful of this new product,and some might even fear this product. I believe people will slowly accept Beyond Eggs as an alternative, people are just unfamiliar with the whole idea of artificial food.

Moreover, we are already surround by artificial ingredients in our food system. There are more then 20 different types of chemicals in our fruit beverages and chicken nuggets that are not 100% chicken.

“‘Artificial egg’ made from PLANTS backed by Bill Gates set to revolutionize cooking goes on sale at Whole Foods.” Mail Online. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Nov. 2013. <>.


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