Are old marketing tactics useless?

I came across an article this week that was discussing old marketing tactics and whether or not they are still effective.  As the article went on to explain why they are still relevant I also had to agree with their decision.  Just because social media is a quickly growing marketing trend that attracts many potential customers, it does not mean that the old methods of marketing are not useful anymore.  Marketing still depends on the target market.  If the company is trying to sell items to the older generation, Facebook isn’t going to work.  They may want to try resorting back to putting ads in the newspaper or in magazines that would be lying around in doctor’s offices.  Social media is a great place for advertising, but sometimes so are magazines or buses.  What else is there to do on the bus when you are commuting a short distance to school or work in the morning?  All there is to do is look around at your surroundings and the ads on the walls of the bus.  I know I read at least one ad every time I am on a bus.  That’s the place I do have time to look around.  When I am on Facebook or Youtube I don’t want to look at ads to pass the time, I want to talk to friends and watch funny videos.  I don’t think social media advertising is not effective I just think old tactics should not be forgotten or ignored.

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