Mission Accomplished

I stumbled across a classmate’s blog that was acknowledging Vitamin Water’s ingenious marketing strategies and I can’t help but to agree.  It seems as if Vitamin Water is doing all the right things at exactly the right times.  It was if they were on a marketing mission.


MISSION: Create an effective marketing strategy.


Step 1: When Vitamin Water first came out it caught my attention with their witty and creative labels.  Each bottle has a clever little story to read that relates to its already brilliant name.  These stories are so amusing that I find myself sometimes buying the bottle just to read the blurb on the side and so I can share that amusement with my friends.  I even have a friend that loves the labels so much that he collects them and saves them to create his own wallpaper.  Consumer attractive packaging? Check.


Step 2:Then Vitamin water introduced a list of celebrities to endorse their product.  They focused mostly on basketball players ranging from Lebron James to Steve Nash.  These pro-athletes promote the product perfectly because not only do they have great athletic abilities, but they also promote the need for vitamins to make this happen.  Successfully capture intended young target market? Check.


Step 3: They then expand further.  They made Steve Nash the Canadian celebrity endorser.  This was refreshing considering most American products don’t tend to focus on Canada much at all.  This makes consumers in Canada believe that the company cares about them and what they want.  Successful promotions? Check.


Step 4:Vitamin Water continues down the right marketing path by holding a social media contest.  People can send in videos about “how you are just like Steve Nash.” This is great for 3 reasons. 1. It creates a social media presence. 2. It is cheap. 3. It gets people talking about Vitamin Water.  What more could you ask for?  Free advertising and social media presence? Double Check.


In Conclusion:

Mission Accomplished.