
There are so many clever ad campaigns around the world but one of my favourites is by MasterCard.  MasterCard’s priceless ads were frequently seen a few years back but even when I think about my favourite ad campaign today this one still comes to mind.  This campaign was clever, humorous, and memorable.  It had affective strategies, playing to people’s emotions, as in this ad:

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And it also had ads that not only included affect strategies but also cognitive and behavioural strategies, as seen in this ad:

This ad makes people not only think about the environment but also makes them want change their ways about green living.

These ads are memorable but so are the tag line, “Priceless” and slogan “There are some things money can’t buy. For everything else, there’s MasterCard.” This slogan sums up the ad’s persona perfectly.  MasterCard is first being honest and noting that not all things can be bought with money but then go on to say, for all other moments in life where money is involved(as lots are), MasterCard will be there to help.   These short but sweet commercials were a perfect way to get people talking about and remembering MasterCard.

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