Sustainability is Serious

by MarcusLeung

For many, the first thing that comes to mind when one hears corporate “sustainability” is eco-friendly technology, clean energy, and environmental protectionism. I too previously held that incorrect assumption. After reflecting on what Tamar shared in class, I realized that not too many people seem to be aware that sustainability can boost a company’s financial, brand, and operational status.

One executive in a high-profile company that shares my thoughts on sustainability is UPS’ VP of Environmental Affairs, Rhonda Clark. In an interview with The Guardian, Clark describes how sustainability and efficiency are paired together when it comes to the company’s operations. She explains that many people in other companies haven’t quite caught on to the fact that sustainability can be integrated into a company’s identity without compromising profitability..

I feel as if today’s corporate community puts great emphasis on “buzzwords”.  In the past, prominent buzzwords, that have now been largely adopted, were “social media” and anything “cloud.” In the same way, “sustainability” has become a fairly common buzzword among business innovators. The fact that an industry leader like UPS has adopted a sustainable business approach is a sign to everyone that the trend of sustainability has arrived. And I feel that given all the attention it has been receiving, that this so-called sustainability movement is here to stay.