Football’s Image, Once the Crux of “Americanism,” In Steady Decline
by MarcusLeung

The NFL is one of America’s professional sports leagues which has come under fire in the past year for questionable moral conduct.
The NFL, America’s beloved sports league, and a league traditionally known for its famously marketable athletes, is now ironically under fire for its image problems. Ray Rice and Adrian Peterson, two of the league’s most prominent stars, have both been indefinitely suspended in separate incidents, following the discovery of their respective domestic violence incidents.
In recent years, activist groups ranging from Aboriginal tribes to Women’s Rights Organizations have all made their case as to why in some shape or form, the NFL is not doing an adequate job in maintaining moral and off-field behavioural standards.With public awareness at an all-time high due to the likes of social media and an increasingly connected populace, professional sports entities need to be more cautious than ever regarding their actions on and off the “field.” The NFL’s sponsors have yet to cut their ties, as the NFL is America’s most profitable professional sports entity, but at some point questions of social responsibility will come to surface. The images of professional sports athletes are buy-and-large in a gradual decline, and it may only be a matter of time before image issues translate into issues of profitability.
Gordon, Jeremy. “The Image Conscious NFL Has an Image Problem.” The Wall Street Journal. The Wall Street Journal, 19 Sept. 2014. Web. 22 Sept. 2014.
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